Why is my custom character model flickering when I rotate the camera?

Hey all!

I just ran into a weird problem that I hope can be fixed with and easy solution. My character was working fine until I made a change to her skeleton. What’s happening is when I play what I’ve created my character that was custom made is flickering uncontrollably. Like, the character will remain sold and then when I go to rotate my camera, the character flickers from being visible to invisible.

Is there a way I can fix this?

Does anyone know why?

Hey Nednarb1986 -

Unfortunately without seeing the asset it is hard to pin down what might be the exact cause. My first thought would be look at your vertex weights as you said it was not until after you adjusted the skeleton that this problem started. If you could upload to youtube a brief shot of the problem or if you are willing to share the asset we could help you farther.

-Eric Ketchum

I met a similar problem in UDK and I’m wondering if it could be the same problem here : do you have collisions (a physics asset) on your skeletal mesh (I’m assuming it’s a skeletal mesh since you are talking about a character) ?

Without these collisions, I guess the engine is unable to determine properly the visibility of the mesh and the occlusion culling is probably conflicting with it. Generate a basic physics asset and link it inside the skeletal mesh settings (inside persona). Maybe it will fix the problem.

I actually did manage to figure the issue out.

A simple re-import corrected the problem. Thanks for the feedback though :smiley: