Door Opening

I have a problems with my door. After I open it with my E key I cant pass it. If I delete the door, I still cant pass it. If I delete the frame and just open the Door I still cant pass it. If I delete the frame AND the door I can finaly pass it. I will post sss if you need.

I am 99% sure it is because you have bad collision settings. Your block collision is probably too simple and covering the whole doorway.

Have the collison move with the door
Disable collision on door after you press that key but then player can move through door.

You can post SS, but I am sure it is because you arent moving your collision volumes properly. Also, the frame should have a complex collision. So it doesnt block player

After setting the frame and the door collision to complex I can go now through the door after I open it. But when it`s open I can pass through the door(opened door).

Sorry. You were right. Setting the collision to complex worked. I just had to disable auto generate collision. Thanks!!!

No problem! Good luck!