BUG: Initializing UStaticMeshComponent From C++ Hides Physics Options in Editor

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new actor
  2. Add a UStaticMeshComponent pointer field to the actor as a UPROPERTY with EditAnywhere
  3. Initialise the component in the constructor with CreateDefaultSubobject
  4. Create a Blueprint subclass of the type
  5. View the UStaticMeshComponent in the details panel in the Blueprint subclass

The only option under the physics tab will be “Should update physics volume,” disallowing changes to the physics properties of the component despite being EditAnywhere.

I have just run into this problem now in 4.12.5, is this a user error? as seems strange this has been ignored if it is a bug. any progress on this? find a solution?

You have to set the UPROPERTY as follows

UPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = "Meshes")
	UStaticMeshComponent* TargetMesh;

this worked for me!