How to enable DirectX 12 on UE4.11

Hello, could some one assist and show what are the steps needed to enable DirectX 12 on Unreal Engine 4.11.
I cant find it in the Experimental section. And im not sure where to write “-DX12”, im on Windows 10 Pro. My Dxdiag shows that im on version 12.

Hey MasterChief_UA,

So the easiest way I have found to get the editor to run using the -DX12 flag is to open up the Command Line tool. Locate your .Uproject and click and drag it into the command line window. Add a space after the directory that is created once you drag it in, and then type “-DX12”, then press enter. This should now launch your project using DirectX 12.

Let me know if have further questions or need additional assistance.


Thank you for a quick reply.

I was wondering is it a possible to enable “-DX12” using a console command Node in blueprint?

No, it needs to be initialized before you start the application.

So i guess i need to write UE4Editor.exe -DX12 in the shortcut.

But what about if I write sane agument (-DX12) for the Uproject file, will that have the same effect?
Also is there any specific additional step if i want to cook the project with having (-DX12) on?

Also im not sure if im adding -DX12 correctly: Im creating a shortcut to the UE4Editor.exe and in the shortcut - in the target to the path i add

…\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" -DX12

Is there a way to check the status of the engine is it DX12 or not?

Thank you

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You can add that extension to both your .uproject and/or the editor and it will function as you expect.

As long as your project is running under the -DX12 command, when you go to package, it should be using that as well. I am not 100 percent on that, so you will want to run some tests to make sure that is correct.