Can't open unreal editor because of leap motion controller

After moving which harddrive UE4 was on and then moving it back (requires 20 gigs to update? sigh…) I now get an error

Plugin ‘LeapMotionController’ Failed to load because module ‘LeapMotionController’ does not appear to be compatible with the current version of the engine. The plugin may need to be recompiled.

I don’t use, nor do I want to use, this plugin. It’s not installed. I’ve never used it. I’ve never installed it. It is completely preventing me from opening UE4 or ANY project.

I’ve already reinstalled twice and verified three times and that did not solve the problem.

Hello Pinworm,

There was an issue when upgrading from one of the 4.11 preview versions to newer preview versions and finally to the release itself that caused this. The LeapMotionController plugin was renamed to the LeapMotion plugin and this caused issues for some users as the LeapMotionController folder decided to linger for some users rather than being deleted properly.

You should be able to fix this issue by navigating to your installation directory for 4.11 (Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11 for 64-bit Windows versions) and opening the Engine/Plugins/Runtime folder, locating LeapMotionController and deleting that folder. Please leave the LeapMotion folder where it is, as that should work correctly. After this, it should work correctly.

If you have any projects that continue to have this issue, open the .uproject file for those projects in a text editor and look for an entry about LeapMotionController. There should be a “true” near that, just switch that to false and that should fix it.

Hope this helps!