2d billboard text over players


I’ve done research and can’t find a way to do this. I can get text component of course but this won’t always face the player like a billboard. And I need text so I can use a string that I assign to it. Much like one would do for a speech bubble, or player name.

Not finding any examples. Help appreciated.

Best way is to create a UMG widget with the data you want, then create it, AddToViewport and then wire it’s Tick function to update the position on screen. Use the SetPositionInViewport function for the widget. You have to get the actors position in the viewport and offset it with the actors height before you translate it to a 2D screencoordinate.
I think you can use ProjectWorldToScreen for that. If you want to adjust the size according to camera distance, use SetRenderScale after you calculated the desired size based on distance

One thing I didn’t mention this will be viewed by other player camera that I want it facing them as well

Will try this next time I am able to, just not sure how setting the look at will work over multiplayer unless this is rendered per player so it’s not rotating it really just on each players “version” of the world.

Yup that fixed it, only problem is I set it to player and not thier camera, so in 3rd person mode it looks fun if you stand next to a player.

Now if I could use elements like a billboard,which maybe if I make it a child of a billboard and have it scale adjust to match it, it could work…

I’m not so familiar with Unreal myself, I barely get by. Mostly searching here and in the forum. Search from the documentation page, it gives you all results from all epic websites.
If you play around with the different BP nodes you will probably find a solution to your problem, try getting the camera position and such.

Why are you not using the camera position instead of the player position? Seems like it would do the trick.

I only had a little time today to mess with using the camera but it seems if I call for its location it’s not finding it. I have a feeling it’s location is unknown still researching.

Duh, my bad I was not getting camera manager before looking for camera location. :slight_smile: