Impulse not affecting destructibles?

so i have a projectile, which is set to a physics body. It is set to overlap destructibles in its collision settings. for the destructible component in a seperate blueprint, i have the default destructible settings (which will block a physcis body). in the blueprint for the projectile, in an overlap event, i have it set to add an impulse to the hit component, and to set gravity enabled on it. I know this is being called because after being shot, it falls to the floor and crumbles from the gravity, however, the add impulse at location node is not working at all. I have also tried adding radial impulse, add angular impulse, and add point damage. None of these are having any effect on the destructible whatsoever. I just want to make it explode when it gets shot… but for some reason it just falls to the ground as if it was tipped over a table. Is there some special way to use the add impulse nodes that im not aware of? (and both the destructible and the projectile are set to simulate physics).

Here is a way to set up your DM to ‘explode’ on impact of a Projectile.

  • Set your DM to have Physics off and Gravity on and set it’s collision to Destructible.
  • Set your Projectile to collision Physics Actor.
  • Set your DM Enable Impact Damage to false and Accumulate Damage to true.
  • In your Projectile actor blueprint, on the OnComponentHit event Apply Damage to the Hit Actor.
  • In your DM actor blueprint, on the OnComponentFracture event Apply Radial Force (a lot of it, like Radius 100 : Strength 1000000 or more until you see results).

What should occur is that the Projectile should hit the DM, cause it damage which will cause it to fracture, and then ‘explode’ from the force.

If your mesh still isn’t ‘exploding’, try turning on it’s physics and impact damage, and dropping on the floor. If your apply radial damage is turned up high enough, you should see the piece fly everywhere; if not, turn it up higher.

If you want your projectile to do impact damage to your DM’s, then make sure you check for the Projectile class as your player could damage it by running into it (unless you’re OK with that or you want to play with the numbers for resistance and damage in order to prevent it).