Turn off mesh culling distance?

Is there an option to turn off or change culling of mesh. I want to keep rendering no matter what the distance is. I turned off occlusion culling in the rendering but it’s still the same. I also tried increasing the bound scale and it’s still the same. I don’t know if it’s because of the size of the mesh is just small or something. It tried culling volumes too.

It’s the missile compared to the cube, it stop rendering at around 15000 units. I created the mesh using bsp

Hi kurosu,

Depending on the size of the mesh itself and how large it is on screen at the distance you specified it may just not have enough size to be visible. There is a certain point where if it’s small enough on screen you won’t be able to see it regardless. You can test this though by having Occlusion Culling Disabled and then moving the camera to the far distance you see where you think it’s no longer visible. Then you can bring up the console window and enter the command FREEZERENDERING. This will allow you to freeze the rendering state for the scene as it is. You can then move the camera back in close and you should still see your object there being rendered. You can alternatively leave Occlusion culling enabled and do the same thing and this time you will see that it’s been occluded.

I hope this helps.


Ok, I guess it’s just really small, thanks.

One thing that you can do is actually have the mesh get larger in its LOD. So in my case, I have some neon signs that are no longer visible once you’re a few dozen feet away from them do to the fact that they are made of thin wire, so I added a Push modifier in 3ds max which makes them thicker and imported that as LOD1. This forces the mesh to stay on screen for longer than it would normally if you need an object to do so. Obviously you have to be careful as it will look weird if a mesh is getting noticeably larger the further away you are but its a good workaround in specific situations.

I found the culprit, it’s the Temporal-AA. Small objects gets culled earlier when using Temporal-AA to prevent flickering if the object is very small on screen. When using other type of AA or none at all, objects will be culled later but causes flickering.