How to override DefaultGame.ini after Packaging?


I subclassed the GameState and added a couple of string variables exposed in DefaultGame.ini, here it is:


After packaging, I would like to change this value with another address, how could I do?

I tried putting another DefaultGame.ini file under all folders in the package, such as Project/Config, or Saved/Config,
but it never changed. What am I missing?

Thanks a lot


Did you save your DefaultGame.ini file in the correct location? Please check here with our [Configuration Files Documentation][1]!


Configuration Files in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation


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Hi ,

I read that document and tried to put that file in several folders, but none worked. What is the correct folder? The easiest one, I dont need localization nor different platform. Just simple windows.


Hi ,

I read that document and tried to put that file in several folders, but none worked. What is the correct folder? The easiest one, I dont need localization nor different platform. Just simple windows.


If you’re just trying to find the DefaultGame.ini for your project simply try this example: C:\Users\Desktop\MyProject\Config and then inside of the Config folder there will be the DefaultGame.ini.

I tried. But nothing happened. Maybe because I have some “GameState” config variables, I don’t know.
I tried to debug the engine, but the ConfigCacheIni.cpp seems to be outside the scope of the PDB so I cannot break inside to see what is happening under the hood.

What else could I try? Is it possible to override the game.ini from the command line?
Thank you

I think I solved my problem.

I try to explain the solution in case someone else gets trapped in this point.

I created a new class, say MySettings, and stated that I want it to be written on a custom Config file, and added the variables tagged as “Config” .

Then I told my GameState-derived class to instanciate it at BeginPlay (now I’ll try to load it at construction time, but it’s almost the same).

In the config file I wrote:

And put this file under "Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/MySettingClass.ini
And it works as expected.

I suppose that the part I was missing was that the GameState, as a uasset, is cooked.
Maybe unreal gives precedence to the cooked value rather than my default .ini file.

Implementing it this way, instead, I put it under the domain of /Script/, not /Game/, so there’s no other variable that could override it in cooking.

The configs only use the prepended “Default” in 1 location. That is /Config.

so for DefaultGame.ini that is /Config/DefaultGame.ini. Default is the only file looked for in this folder, and this folder is the only place Default is looked for.

In the engine config is a BaseGame.ini, a Platform split in the configs/platform folder, then we get to the DefaultGame.Ini in the project config folder, and a Project config / platform folder, IE: PS4Game.ini, and finally in your project/saved/config is just Game.ini.

When you cook and package these are all compiled into a single Game.ini which is placed into the .PAK file.

I dont think this works, but you can try. The Saved Folder does not have the “Default” prefix. It would just be Game.ini.

But this should not work. It is a hacking exploit. And I thought that it dropped out of shipping / test builds. If not then this is a bug in unreal.