How do I load ShooterGame Menu or Menu in General to learn from it?

Hey Guys Menus

Does shooter game have a menu, I believe it does, and if so I would I go about loading that so I can learn from it?

Also is that are DOC that reports on anything when making a menu. I have to get a working menu in game this coming week, steam is almost demanding i. I am not having a good experience with steam at all (fyi) So even if the menu just had the game name show up for a few seconds and than you press a button to load the game is fine.

I do have another idea though and this could work. Run up a existing level add 3d font have a camera do a flyby of the company name, and Game name. Press any button to continue or something like that, and than the first level of the game loads. Any ideas how to do that approach?

if you want to keep it simple then use the blueprint based on HUD just add a text box and a few other bits and a console command node to travel / open level.

its like the old way with an entry map which just has the menu

It does have a menu, but it’s written in quite complex C++, and uses something called KingState which is commented with “IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED OR REQUIRED TO BASE OTHER GAMES ON THE FOLLOWING SYSTEM UNTIL THE REFACTORING IS COMPLETE.”

For learning, it might be better to check out the menu in the Blueprint_HUD level of the Content Examples project, or the menu in the Memory Game or Tappy Chicken example projects.