View gets pixelated and jittery when moving or looking

It probably isn’t my C++ code, but more likely Something to do with the camera or something. Either way though, My gun (at least) gets pixelated and the pixels jitter when looking and moving. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

One thing I’ve found that causes pixelated textures is not having any mip maps for said texture. If a texture doesn’t have any mipmaps all pixels are rendered, no matter how far away you are, which results in multiple pixels occupying the same space and you see that as flicker between those pixels.

Mipmaps are usually auto generated. One thing that WILL stop the auto-generation of mipmaps is non square textures that are not a power of 2.

Consider these examples:

Texture 1) 1024x512 - Not square - Not a power of 2 - No mipmap support - pixelated textures when animated or moving.

Texture 2) 1024x1024 - Square - Power of 2 - Full mipmap support - non pixelated textures when moving or animated.

Changing the size of a texture which a UV map is reliant on, means you’ll need to re-adjust the UV’s of the mesh itself.

Good luck.


Yea I already had square textures. I literally mean though it looks like a pixelated motion blur. Thanks for your help though!

Just putting some more ideas out there.

Under your post process volume:

Anti-Aliasing should be at least 100, anything less will down sample and look pixelated.

To eliminate motion blur, enable the check box and set the value to 0.

Without any reference picture/video it’s hard to tell what it may be.


Sorry to bother you, but in what tab is that setting under post processing?

Select post process volume, under the post process volume heading, ensure the “UNBOUND” check box is checked, this will make it a global post process volume.

Expand the settings heading >> Motion Blur >> Check the box amount >> Set the value to 0

Expand the Misc heading >> Make sure the boxes are checked >> A value of 100 means no AA, a value lower than 100 means downsampling (which is what I thought your problem could be), a value higher than 100 means supersampling.

Another thing to check, the material that looks pixelated, open it and ensure “Support accurate velocities” is checked.