Attached component's overlapping info only updating when the owner / Base moves?

Hi, I have a component attached to a socket actor’s SkeletalMeshComponent, and it seems that Overlapping from this component with other actors doesn’t update if the base actor of the component (where it’s attached) doesn’t move; is that way how it works? Can that be changed?

So let’s be more context specific: I have an character and one of its components its a capsule to deal with a punching action. The capsule is attached to a character’s mesh socket placed in the hand. The hand capsule (the attached component) is pretty bigger than the hand itself for testing purposes.

The problem I’m having is that even if the hand capsule touches the other capsule (that’s known checking “Component Overlap Actors” results many times during a short interval after the punching button is pressed), it won’t count it’s overlapping the other character unless the two characters are very close (so close that the root capsule of one character and the hand capsule of the other are touching before touching), and not if they are a bit more distant even if the hand capsule ends up touching (and even going across) the other character’s root capsule.

That’s why I think that the overlapping info of the hand component isn’t uploaded unless the character, base of it doesn’t move; or that the component transform, needed for “Component Overlaps Actors” isn’t updated (so that socket and components locations of components don’t update unless the whole actor moves). I’ve made some printing and during the whole hand movement when punching the returned location is always the same.

How can I solve this?