Cooking failed v4.12 preview 3

Hi. What is the problem? ( Ensure condition failed: !bUseRawDataOnly [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp] [Line: 325] )

Hi BingoBongo,

From the image above it appears to be a problem with an animation sequence. However, in order to pinpoint the issue I will need the entire callstack cut and paste from the crash reporter window, including your machine ID, into a text doc that we can search for specific terms (not an image of the callstack). Also you will need to have hit the “submit” button when the issue occurred so that we can cross-reference this crash with others in our databank.

Additionally, please provide as many of the following as possible:

  1. Your dxdiag (Windows Start Button>(search “dxdiag”)>Launch dxdiag>select “Save all information”>attach text file to your post.)
  2. “UE4.log” Located: Engine\Saved\Logs\
  3. “ProjectName.log” Located: ProjectName\Saved\Logs\

Providing this information and appropriate logs will help us track down and isolate the source of the bug as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation,

I don’t have any crashes. I open project, press button “cook content for windows” and then get “cooking failed!”. If I do it by visual studio that same problem and no any crashes too. Accordingly, I can’t press “submit” button.

About logs. I dont’ have any logs in “Engine\Saved\Logs” folder. I put dxdiag logs, project logs and cook logs.

Hope we can solve this problem because me need build .exe :slight_smile:

[link text][1]
[1]: (350 KB)

Looking at your packaging log, the first item after the Warning/Error Summary is: LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/HelloNeighborReborn’

Is this an asset that was or is being used in your game?

Here is a link to a user’s post where they were experiencing a similar issue and what they did to resolve it:

“Can’t find file” of unexisting asset (package fail)

Let me know if this information helps you resolve the issue.

I know about this warning-message. First time after “cooking failed” I got 4 error and about 1.5k warnings. I decided that warnings make errors and I tried to fix warnings. Now I get 4 errors and 6 warnings. I fixed about 1.5k warnings and I get 4 errors again. I found a lot of posts about Can’t find file '/Script/YourProjectName and no one helped me fix this warning. But…

My experience make me think that possible to ignore warnings and get success cooking. But cooking will fail every time if exists any errors. I think if I fix all warnings I will get 4 errors and “cooking failed” again.

I hope my English doesn’t make you cry )

It is true that you can often ignore “Warnings” and get a successful build while “Errors” will cause your build to fail. However, when you go to the end of your log and see “Error: Automation Tool” like this (from your log):

Then you want to search (Command + F) for “Error” and skip down until you reach the “Warning/Error Summary.” From there, it is typically the first item listed that is causing the Automation Tool to fail. You resolve that, then rebuild. If you still get an Automation Tool error, you repeat these steps until all errors are resolved. In this case, resolving "Can’t find file ‘/Script/HelloNeighborReborn’ " would be your first step. (You may have to create a fake file to resolve it like they did in the link I sent before):

To sum up, the “Warning/Error Summary” shows where the build begins to fail. Fixing the first thing does not mean all errors will be fixed, but it is a good starting point to fix the errors in a methodic order.

Okay. I try to fix all warnings. They often appear because of incorrect files redirections and they need some strange manipulations for fixing. It make me have headache. I will reply later. Thanks.

Hi again, . I made a little research.

1. I tried to fix warning about Can’t find file ‘/Script/HelloNeighborReborn’ and one one solution helps me.

2. I removed all animations from project then I tried cooking and got success. Was no one error. However I got these warnings again:

LogInit:Display: Warning/Error Summary (Unique only)
LogInit:Display: -----------------------------------
LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Script/HelloNeighborReborn'
LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Script/HelloNeighborReborn': Can't find file '/Script/HelloNeighborReborn'
LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C'
LogInit:Display: LogRedirectors:Warning: String Asset Reference '/Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C' was not found! (Referencer 'Unknown')
LogInit:Display: Success - 0 error(s), 4 warning(s)

But here no Ensure condition failed: !bUseRawDataOnly…. Accordingly Can’t find file ‘/Script/HelloNeighborReborn’ doesn’t affect on errors.

3. I restored all animations and I removed only unused animations then I got success cooking with some warnings again. It makes opportunity for build working project for windows.

4. Now I see two variants: a) we have incorrect animation (low chance) b) UE4.12 preview 3 need some bug fixing (probably release version will doesn’t have same errors)

That’s all.

We are looking into the errors above, but they may be resolved by:

  • Delete your Intermdiate, Saved and Config folders from your Project Folder (they will be rebuilt)
  • Right click on Content Browser and select “Fix Up Redirectors in Folder”
  • Rebuild Project

If it still exists after that, you can fix the error: “PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C’” by deleting any reference to it in the DefaultEditor.ini file in the the Engine install directory (not project folder) and repeat steps above. However, I do not think this particular warning is what causes packaging to fail.

Let me know your results

My Engine install folder doesn’t contain DefaultEditor.ini file. But I found file EditorSettings.ini in C:/Users/Me/AppData/Local/Engine… There I removed all lines like PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C. Then I tried cooking and got errors and warnings again but there weren’t warnings like:

LogInit:Display: LogRedirectors:Warning: String Asset Reference '/Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C' was not found! (Referencer 'Unknown')

But I wrote above I possible to make success cooking and get build with some warnings but without errors. It need remove all unused animations.

, you can congratulate me! I found two unused animations without skeleton. They make errors like:

Ensure condition failed: !bUseRawDataOnly [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Animation\AnimSequence.cpp

I disappointed that Engine couldn’t provide detail info about it.

I congratulate you and give you full credit for finding the answer to the this question. In the future I will know to ask if the user has any unused animations when this error is present. I’ll discuss with others to see if a more definitive error can be posted for unused animations being referenced during packaging. Thanks for all the feedback.