How To Spawn Multiple Blueprint Classes?

How would one spawn multiple blueprint classes?

I used the Spawn Node, but only can select one class. I have multiple objects/powerups, I wish to spawn on the level. I believe I would use a FORLOOP in this? or is there some other method, I tried SELECT, but this didn’t seem to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and a wonderful +1 for answering, thanks!!!

You can use any looping method, for lopp, while, or simply loop tle node linking and make some escape with flow node.

Select is to pick one of inputs based on select input, you might find it useful for spawning anyway :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply, I am not too familiar with Loops as of yet and getting new classes. Specifically, bc in my scenario I am also having these Class spawn random in either my 1st trigger point or my second trigger point.

But this seemed to help a bit…

Do you have any loop examples in blueprint to create multiple class transforms to show?

Theres better way to do it with less nodes with select node

As for loop depends what kind of loop, present me scenerio