Imported static mesh collison only has collision applied outside; even when using two-sided materials. Players can walk through walls to outside, even with complex collision

My static mesh collision (for imported static mesh – fbx) only has one-sided collision. It’s a building, and when inside, player can walk through walls to outside, but not vice-versa.

I have checked two-sided for the material and I am using complex per-poly collision. I even tried simple collision but nothing fixed the problem. I exported them from Maya 2014 and CInema 4D R12.


Set “Double Sided Geometry” to “True” in Static Mesh editor.

Did not work for me I already have that set.

Did you get it fixed I downloaded a static mesh and I can’t walk through the walls on both sides but when I get into a car it’s blocked from the outside but I can drive through the walls from the inside.