Splitscreen not working correctly since 4.11 on DirectX

Build : Binary and Perforce Source (4.11.2-0+UE4)

Since 4.11, we have weird artifacts on screen when playing in splitscreen on DirectX (Win and XBoxOne).

After some search, we found that at the start of the frame, when the engine call RHISetRenderTargetsAndClear, the scissor is set to what it was at the end of the previous frame, which was only half bottom on screen. And the top of the screen was not cleared.

To fix this, we added this at the start of RHISetRenderTargetsAndClear :
this->RHISetScissorRect(false, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Seems to work fine, didn’t test with VR yet to see if it can break it.

Hello AValdenaire,

What kind of method are you using to set up your splitscreen? The method may make a difference in reproducing this issue.

Also, if you do test that change in VR and it seems to work correctly, I would suggest making a Pull Request on Github with the change. If you do, it’ll be reviewed by one of our developers that is well-versed in the subject and determined if it should be added to an upcoming release. If the change is taken, you’ll also be part of the Unreal Contributors.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, AValdenaire. Are you still experiencing these issues? Was your fix compatible with VR as well? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes. Please leave a comment whenever you’re available and the post will reopen.