Steam achievements of 480 test app not working in shipping build


please find the repro project in the link. It is the 3rd person template.


In standalone, the overlay and the achievements/guides of the 480 test id are shown. In shipping build, the overlay does not work. (all dlls in place and steam_appid.txt as well as suggested by the other bug reports here).
When running the exe through the steam client as an ‘added non steam game’, the overlay works, but there are no achievements or guides visible like in the stand alone, it is just an empty overlay, as if there is not connection the Space Wars (480 app).

Can you try your hands at the repro project and see if you get it working with the achievements showing in the shipping built?

We have worked on our game for 2 years now and got it accepted on steam and ready for release in about 2 months. We tested steam in stand alone and thought we were ready to go. Now the shipping problem comes around the corner and we are pretty much out of ideas.

Our development version is 4.8.3, the binary downloaded through the Launcher. We intentionally used that version with no tinkering in source code to be on the safest path possible. (we know it is always hectic at Epic and new features have priority :wink: )

please note: (in 4.8.3. when building a shipping built, the exe name has ‘win32_shipping…’ in it. It needs to be deleted so that only the bare file name is left. It is just another bug in 4.8.3. But one that can be worked around.)

Hi BlueBudgie,

I took a look at the project you provided, however all I see is base TPP blueprint information, there wasn’t any information for steam overlays or achievements. Where in the project do you have these located? What steps are you taking to create the achievements/guides?

Hi ,

The project has no other content other than the start up content. It is only for testing the steam functions.
It is set up for steam in the DefaultEngine.ini according to Epic’s documentation.

If you run it in stand alone, Steam works and achievement progress is shown.
If you package for shipping (not development), then you need to add it to the steam client as a ‘non steam game’ in order for steam to work, which is ok, but the achievement progress is not displayed anymore as well. That’s what we are concerned about: the difference in steam overlay between stand alone and shipping built.

It seems that is can not connect to the 480 steam test app in shipping built, but it can only connect in stand alone. That’s what worries us.

Have you tried the steps listed here?

Yes, that’s all understood and all works fine in standalone. In shipping though, it does not connect to the Space Wars.

I packaged and uploaded again for you. Try yourself:


  1. Open Steam client in online mode
  2. Start the project in stand alone → all OK, spacewars connection works (see screenshot)
  3. Start the WindowsnoEditor shipping package as ‘added non steam game’ through the steam client → no Spacewars connection. (see screenshot)

Without running the WindowsnoEditor exe through the steam client, it does not work at all.

Here are the screenshots: top - standalone, bottom - shipping

Just to ensure I understand. If you start the .exe with a Space Wars connection, it is working correctly, but if you do not, the achievements do not appear?

If this is the case, as stated in the forum thread this is expected. A game that is Greenlit but not fully released will not have access to steam achievements, you can only test the functionality through Space Wars. If this is not correct, please let me know so I can continue testing to see what may be occurring.

The .exe in the WindowsNoEditor is not showing achievements in both cases, with spacewar connection and without.
Greenlit or not-yet-released issues should not matter here, because the .exe and the project are both set up for the test id 480, which only purpose is to provide achievements etc. testing before you actually have a game released.
(the .exe is the shipping built of the project, therefore the the WindowsNoEditor folder name).

Wrapped in one sentence: steam all set up for 480 works in stand alone started from the project in the editor, but it does not with a shipping built from the exact same project.


I actually reported this back in 4.7. The bug came back to me as invalid because Non-Steam games do not support Steam achievements.

Once you get your game onto Steam, the achievements should work without any problem as long as they’ve been set up correctly. But when you’re adding it to your profile as a Non-Steam game, the achievements simply do not function correctly.

Good luck!

One question, in my Steam SDK only the “steam_api64.dll” appears, the “steamclient64.dll, tier0_s64.dll, vstdlib_s64.dl” are nowhere to be found. I don’t know if those 3 are necessary or if the first one is enough.
And another question, what is the exact path where I should create the Steam_appid.txt?