How to trigger an event on ANY collision

hi im setting up a simple movement forwards in gear vr that starts and stops on button press (all working fine),

Id also like to stop movement whenever the player collides with an object - any object

How do I call a function on any and every collision between the player and another object?

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Hey extropy-

You can put an Event AcotrBeginOverlap node in your character blueprint. Anytime something overlaps with the character it will trigger this event which you can use to stop character movement.


I think it can help you

Have a look at this:

If you check the ‘sweep’ box, then your movement will stop on collision.
You can get the information about the collision if you “break hit result” to the sweep hit result output.

I hope this helps.

Thanks v much , I had tried that but now realise that for it to work I also need to have the object collision volumes set to ‘Overlap All’ as per image


I need to clarify for future readers as its not so simple - the overlap and collision events are separate and cant be normally triggered at the same time. So my motion-stop now works from an ‘Event Hit’ node.

For the full info on collision, look at