Float to Int32 conversion in C++

any of the two ways are ok this one to

 float FloatNumb = 35.234;
 int32 IntNumb = (int32)FloatNumb;

but the cast will always “floor” the float value, it can be 1,99 after the cast it will become 1 not 2 so. But as long as you don’t mind everything is fine

I’m relatively new to Unreal and C++, so can somebody help me.
How do i get this conversion?

float FloatNumb = 35.234;
int32 IntNumb = static_cast<int32>(FloatNumb);

or just simply:

float FloatNumb = 35.234;
int32 IntNumb = FloatNumb;

I get same results for both, but i need the right way

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I Don’t think it does really matter which way you convert them,but i think the second option is cleaner than the first

int32 IntNumb = FMath::FloorToInt(FloatNumb);

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Btw. in plain c++ int32 value = float value will generate warning about conversion and possible data lost so you have to cast explicitly to avoid it