You probably can't solve this problem with Scalar Parameter but

I thought I’d ask anyway.

This is a Light in a trigger zone. Inside the zone the player shall be able to switch the Light from Red to Green with the Button F.

If he leaves the trigger zone, the Green Light goes back to Red.

The Light changes because of a Dynamic Material. (Default) value 1 is Red, 0 is Green.

The PROBLEM now is that when I am inside the trigger zone and have switched the Light from Red to Green, I want to be able to switch it back to Red with F, and in general toggle it with F.

In my mind it’s so simple. If 0, switch to 1, if 1, switch to 0. But I do not know how to target the Parameter Values so the system knows if the value is currently 0 or 1.

Check the screenshots for the Blueprints. Maybe you have an idea?

Apologies in advance if it’s a stupid question. Trying to get my head wrapped around Blueprint.

Yeah I know. But I don’t have a material collection.

Is there another way?