Every time I create an interface it corrupts

I’ve got a project I’m trying to add an interface to.

I get is all working nicely, game runs fine but as soon as I close it and re-open it boom… the interface is corrupt and will not open. Even right clicking it crashes the entire editor.

I’ve rebuilt the interface 5 times now, each time with different names and in a different place. I’m not sure what to do next.

This is also within a project I’m having build issues with, I think that issue might be related to this issue.

Here are three images, showing the interface, the call to it and the implementation.

I’ve checked this in 4.1.0 and the compiled source of 4.1.1-0+UE4 (from the editor help)

This error was also stopping any builds of the project

I’ve adjusted my blueprints to get around this for now. Maybe I’ve been implementing the interface incorrectly?

Hey cazblue,

We have attempted to recreate the crash that you have been seeing and have been unsuccessful. If possible, could you send us the uasset that has been corrupted so that we can further investigate? Any additional reproduction steps you could provide would also help us out.

Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you for taking a look.

I’ve recorded the process I go through and uploaded the asset here:


Thank you for posting the assets, we are still looking into what is possibly causing this issue.

Regarding your interface asset, I was able to open it successfully without crashing. Aside from the character models, are you using any other migrated assets from ShooterGame, possible referencing any Blueprints from that project in your project?


I’m not sure to be honest.

I have:

  • Weapon(rifle)
  • Bunch of audio
  • Bunch of materials
  • The animation blueprints from the first person template.

I’ve also got static meshes imported from a few of the example projects.

I’d be happy to send through the entire project for you to take a look at but I can’t put it up on the hub as it’s tied to work, let me know if you would like it uploaded and how to get it to you.

That’s interesting it works outside of this project, what fun!

Howdy cazblue,

I wanted to check in with you and see if the crashing issue is still happening since the new 4.2 update. There were many bug fixes that were addressed and fixed with the 4.2 update and possibly one of those fixes helped resolve your issue. If it is still occurring, please do let us know so that we can reopen and work on the issue.

Thanks and have a great day!

Hey cazblue,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thanks and have a great day!