Basic Questions about Game Starting?

So, this might seem rather basic, but can somebody explain to me how to disable ue4 automatically spawning in a network manager, game session, and a player state? As well, it seems to spawn in things like a random camera actor, a particle event manager, and a camera manager, which are useful even in an offline game, but when I create my own custom ones these still spawn into the game at the beginning regardless. And finally, as an extension of that, how do I select the default camera to use when the game starts? I feel like this would all be located in one obvious place, I just can’t seem to find where that might be.

Go to Edit → Project Settings → Maps and Modes.

  1. Under Maps and modes, look for default modes. Change the mode to your own custom game-mode that you create that has your own custom pawn class, HUD class, Player controller… etc.

  2. Put a camera component in your default Pawn BluePrint.

I did try this earlier, and it does spawn in the pawn and player controller etc. that I specify, but I’m unsure of how to set a field to null. It seems to not allow me to not spawn in the “extra” blueprints like the network manager and such.

Hmm… The easiest thing i can think of is to create an actor blueprint that gets all actors of class (network manager etc.) then deletes those actors. Those extra things will still spawn but will be deleted instantly.