Local multiplayer player index 1 ignoring set transform

So I’m currently working on a split screen racing game with two cars where I would like the players to be able to hit a button and respawn their car if they get flipped. This feature works fine with the first player (index 0) but the second player (index 1) refuses to use any of the set spawns, instead respawning at 0,0,0. The confusing thing is - for some reason it does accept the result of the make transform node. I have isolated the issue to this through changing the player controller index - on 0 it works on either of my two cars, on 1 is dosen’t work on either.

Thank you for any quick replies, the deadline is 25th but any help is seriously appreciated.

Apologies I’m really new to BP so I don’t fully understand the names of everything - lots of trial and error.

It’s split screen so local multiplayer using creat player in level BP. Think all I have to work with are player indexes? In the first image you can see how I have it set up for setting the respawn, this works in the first cars BP with player controller set to 0 but in this one it ignores it.

from the screenshot i cant even tell if this is being ran on server, client, multicast. also, its very messy. multiplayer shootout has respawn mechanism working, and this is my copy/paste of it.

This is being executed on GameMode. but take note that if you want to communicate to GM, the signal has to be sent from a class that is accessible from the client (unless you are executing respawn from the onPostLogin event)

Thinking about it in that image above, it could be that the controller refrence isnt updating properly? in editor the second car dosent get its input disabled (for a count in to the race) even though in my player controller I cast to both cars - yet when I package the project Its does disable input, prehaps packaging the project is forcing an update?

Split screen has been the bane of my problem! Seems like its not used very much :slight_smile: the respawn detects current checkpoint you need to drive to and then -1 to give you the one you just passed through. Thats after you passed the first one though, the stuff here is just the set it before, wherever the pawn starts the game.

the problem isnt the method of respawning - thats works fine on player 1, player 2 just isnt getting passed the info even though Im casting to it as well

Player one controlling either car goes to the set spawn, player two controlling either car goes to 000. thus player 2 is not getting handed the info… hmmm

Im not experienced at all with split screen, sorry. What is not really clear is why are you seeting the respawn location on the controller? why dont you unify all the data into a single playerstate. if the checkpoints works with triggers, detect the actor, filter which actor is and update the respawn location depending on the filtered result.

Wow ok To any Ue4 staff I think I should submit a bug report

in editor the second car dosent get its input disabled (for a count in to the race) even though in my player controller I cast to both cars - yet when I package the project Its does disable input, prehaps packaging the project is forcing an update

Literally packaging the project made the spawning work, ■■■■ I knew I built it right, what a weird thing to happen though, and shame I have to package to test that feature now but hey it works!

so packaging my project did force an update and made the spawns work how I thought they would, how weird! Just pleased it worked. Not sure if thats a bug or if I missed something? But everything looked good within the project.

Thankyou so much for helping, but I found a way to resolve and wrote an answer above, I really hope I haven’t wasted your time.

Ok, i found out how to do basic split screen and made this really messy, but it works i “think” save checkpoint on overlap event. I think your issue is on how you are calling the player controller. I just found out about split mechanism so im talking from what i know about MP. Accessing different instances gets messy if you hardcode it, you should have some kind of trigger that fetchs it for you. Player1 basically works as my server in this case.

No worries, actually helped me since i was totally clueless about split multiplayer. Glad you got it working