The large memory disappears from my C drive

How can it be solved? I’m learning the UE4 tutorials, and I noticed that the projects eat very large memory of C drive. For example. It was 103Gb, then down to 101Gb. The “magic” begins while I’m working in Ue4. I guess, It eats a doubled memory of projects. I don’t know why. Is it normal?(


I cannot explain its reason but as far as I know UE4 stores some textures as a cache file to speed up its work.

make your windows’s hidden folders visible then go to “C:\Users\Your pc name\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine\Common\DerivedDataCache”

and delete those folders.

AppData folder is hidden by default

take a look here

Epic documentations about DerivedDataCache

deleting those folders is safe

I have deleted them, then have started the project. And it has begun to be filled again. Do I have to repeat this process every time after closing of the project?

No you don’t have to do that every time you close your project.

personally I delete those files when I am running out of memory.
You can also change the path which those files are stored in Change local data cache location

but I have not tried that yet.