Is it possible to change acceptance radius for Simple Move?

Using Simple Move To Location makes the character stop near the designated spot, but not at the spot itself. And as I looked up I should blame acceptance radius for that. Is it possible to change it for Simple Move To Location, without using Move To Location cause it requires to use AI controller.


What you’ll need to do if you want to adjust the acceptance radius is use Move To Location, even though it does require an AI Controller.

It may help to understand your issue if you can provide a bit more detail, and some screenshots, on your setup.

But in terms of the Simple Move To node, take a look at the post linked below, as it contains some useful information that may help you find an alternative to Simple Move.

Have a great day

Good catch, thanks for sharing the information!

Thank you for your answer but I found more suitable solution for this: reducing Nav Agent Radius in Movement capabilities of the character does just the thing.

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