Difference between transform and location?

Hey guys,
I am just wondering what is the difference between them two? I mean I know if I want to get the position of actor in a game (or anything else) I would use GetTransform but what is GetActorLocation for?

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A transform describes location, rotation and scale.

FTransform Transform;
FVector Location = Transform.GetLocation();
FRotator Rotation = Transform.GetRotation();
FVector Scale = Transform.GetScale();
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Adding to this answer, explicitly addressing the rest of the question, GetActorLocation() returns the same as the Transform.GetLocation(). GetActorLocation is a convenient way of just getting the location. This code:

        FVector VehXYZ=CurrentVehicle->GetActorLocation();
        FVector altvxyz= CurrentVehicle->GetTransform().GetLocation();
        UE_LOG(LogTemp,Error,TEXT("VehXYZ is %s"),*VehXYZ.ToString());
        UE_LOG(LogTemp,Error,TEXT("alatvxyz is %s"),*altvxyz.ToString());

produces the following output:

LogTemp:Error: VehXYZ is X=99.992 Y=1000.147 Z=14.511
LogTemp:Error: alatvxyz is X=99.992 Y=1000.147 Z=14.511