UInterface not compiling (even after all the tutorials)

Currently, this is what I have to create my interface :

//////////////.h file ://///////////////////////

#pragma once

#include "InputInterface.generated.h"

class UInputInterface : public UInterface

class IInputInterface


#include "Ephemera.h"
#include "InputInterface.h"

UInputInterface::UInputInterface(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)


I have read through all the tutorials regarding how to make and compile the UInterface (i.e. Rama, another help from this link How to create an interface in C++ - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums, etc.).

However, I keep getting the following error :

2>~\Unreal Projects\Ephemera\Source\Ephemera\Public/Controllers/Interfaces/InputInterface.h(22): error C2011: ‘IInputInterface’: ‘class’ type redefinition
2> ~\UnrealEngine-4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\GenericPlatform/IInputInterface.h(59): note: see declaration of ‘IInputInterface’
2>~\Unreal Projects\Ephemera\Source\Ephemera\Public\Controllers\Interfaces\InputInterface.h(22): error C2011: ‘IInputInterface’: ‘class’ type redefinition
2> ~\UnrealEngine-4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\GenericPlatform/IInputInterface.h(59): note: see declaration of ‘IInputInterface’

NOTE : My engine is from the source code via github (in other words, NOT from the launcher).
Current version : 4.11.2

Nevermind, I have figured out the problem. Everything works now.

Might want to elaborate how you solved it as I’m trying to figure out, I fount couple similar posts stating “I figure it out” but none of them offer any details how or what was wrong… Thank you.