Get CheckBoxes State from another BP

Hi, I’m new here so please remind me if I did anything wrong.
To keep it short: I have 2 BP. The first BP contains a checkbox which I want to see it’s state on the second BP.
What I want to know is… How can I use the “Get Checked State” (in the second BP) of the checkbox (which is located in the first BP) so that I can use the checked/unchecked state.
I have been reading about “Global Variables” and bla bla but it just like… I don’t know what they are talking about.
I’m new here so please show it step-by-step or even with a pictures :slight_smile:


To acces to antoher blueprint you’ll need to use [cast to «your blueprint»] or [get all actor of class]. They are both easy to use, sometime the [cast to «BP»] can be more complicated because you need to reference it to an object.

The Cast will acces to your playerCharacter/playerController/playerStats and other

The Get actor will search an actor in the level, so if you have many actor you’ll need to find the good one, everything is in the doc :).

Doc about casting => Casting Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation

doc about get all actor of class =>

have a good day!


So, which one do you recommend to be used only to Get a CheckBox state?
As far as my observation to both links, using Cast to is the simplest way. Is it true?

EDIT: I just tried my way with Cast to, but I still don’t get how it works with a Checkbox. So far I’m using the OnCheckStateChanged > Cast To … but it doesn’t work (Well I can’t even wire the output.) Then I tried the Get CheckBox_0 > Cast To … but it shows me a warning which is Warning ‘0000 RESOLUTIONS WIDGET’ does not inherit from ‘Check Box’ ( Cast To 0000_RESOLUTIONS_WIDGET would always fail).

EDIT (again): I finally managed to use the Cast To with the Get All Widget of Class (I don’t know there actually is one, all I know is the Get All Actor of Class, and that is from your link) and it actually worked! Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

I think make cast is more efficiant, But I’m really not sure, I think they do the samething else the cast is for an object like your character/pawn/controller and the get actor is for object in the game (like actor/widget etc).

If you want to use cast, you need to get the good object reference, this is simple but can be hard at first.

I’m happy it helped you :smiley: