How do I attach a particle emitter to a static mesh?

When the player spawns, he spawns as a space ship that he can fly around with. I’m trying to just get my simple particle emitter(the flame) to attach to the static mesh space ship.

I’ve added the flame as a component but I’m not sure exactly what I have to do in the graph to get this to attach properly. I created a socket on the static mesh as well but I’m not even sure where that comes into play.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Have you taken a look at the Content Examples and the Blueprint Input Examples map? There is a spaceship that you can control with attached Engine Booster particle effects applied (see below). You could swap these out for whatever particle you want and it should give you an idea on how to approach setting it up.

Are you having other issues with the effect, if you could post images of your set up and what you want to occur, the community would be able to also jump in with suggestions.



You shouldn’t have to spawn them in or attach them to a socket, if they are added via the Components tab to the Blueprint. It appears they are set as Visible as well as Auto-Activated and Hidden In Game isn’t checked.

How does the particle itself look, does it loop? Is this an effect you’ve created or one of the effects that came with the engine? Also, does it not work with all effects (can you try to apply an effect that came with the engine as a test?)



Hi ,

Thanks for the response. I took a look at it, and I can’t see any difference with how that is setup and how mine is setup. It appears all they did to add the engine fx was create a component out of it and place it in the component viewport. All the details in mine are set the same as in the example. Engine1 and Engine2 are only used once in the graph as a reference to spawn the booster VFX so to me it looks like adding them to the component list was all they did to bring them in game.

Here was what I’m trying to do but the particles don’t show up in-game.

I just double checked all settings and everything is set to appear. It doesn’t loop it just constantly spawns the particles and pushes them out, almost like a campfire. It appears fine if I just drag it into the map as well.

I tried adding a premade effect from content examples, which also plays fine in the map, but once added to the static mesh it doesn’t show.

Any other ideas?


Does it show on the ship inside the editor when you drag/drop the ship into the editor?

Does the effect attach to any other Static Mesh or is it just having a problem displaying when attached to the ship?


Okay. Would you be able to post the particle uasset file so that I may plug it in on my end and give it a shot? Should be in your project’s content folder.


Thanks for posting. I’ve taken a look, and although the material of the effect wasn’t applied (probably due to folder structure changes), I was able to see the effect attached to the capsule I placed.

What is occurring when you play in the editor?

I just added a static mesh cube BP and tried to attach a particle to it, and that didn’t work either.

Neither of these meshes show the particles when I drag them into the editor.

I’ve linked the dropbox link, inside there is the particle effect and then in case it breaks it, MAT Thruster01 is the material for the first emitter in the effect and MAT Thrustertrail01 is the material for the second emitter. Then their respective textures in case the materials are broken as well.

Let me know if you have any luck.

So I made a new project just to test it as you did and that made me realize what the problem was. The model that was being called from the code in C++ when I launched the game was the basic skeletal mesh and not the BP model. Why I didn’t drag the BP model into the map instead of the original skeletal mesh I have no idea. I’m not very comfortable with BP yet so I guess I didn’t realize what I was doing.

Thanks for all the help! Once I fix the C++ code it should work fine.

No worries, let us know if you continue to have issues.
