Custom UCX collision from Blender distorting

Hi all, I’m very new to UE4 and Blender, so I hope this isn’t a silly question.

I’ve made a small room in Blender, and along with it a custom collision model, you can see the setup in this here picture:

The original mesh and collision mesh are identical, and are exactly on top of each other (I’ve also tried adjusting the collision mesh to be slightly smaller, bigger).

This is what UE4 is displaying for the collision mesh:

Chances are I’m doing something wrong, but I don’t really know what. I can’t see what is causing this distortion.

If anyone has any ideas or could offer some advice, I’d greatly appreciate it.


Looks like you need to “apply” the scale in Blender. Select all the objects in Object mode and press Ctrl+A then choose “Scale” in Blender

Your shapes are to Crazy look at the Link for a little example Picture either use Closed Convex Shapes or in your case simple Box Geometry will do the Job.

Thanks. Seems I needed some simpler geometry for the collision!