How do I remove this reflection Cone

There is a reflection cone burned onto all my projects in all my scenes. I’m pretty sure it’s related to the skybox_BP but I have no idea how to get rid of it.

I even uninstalled and reinstalled the whole Unreal Engine including the launcher and I’m still having this problem. This lighting issues started happening after I was playing around with a dynamic instance material blueprint. Ever since then, it’s almost like an FOV reflection froze to the screen alt textthat cut off the reflections at sharp angles, and the depth changes as I look up and down. It’s the most annoying thing ever. Please help. Do I have to change the light map of the Sky_Sphere?

Yes. I have re-built the lightning many times, as well as get rid of any reflection spheres. I’ve also tried adding a very large reflection sphere. Nothing has worked. It appears to be directly related to the BP_Sky_Sphere

The only other thing I can think to do is reformat my whole system, and I really don’t want to do that. Last time I had a major problem with Unreal that I couldn’t fix, I had to do that. I love Unreal, but sometimes, the bugs are so bad or require such a level of knowledge of all the systems, that it makes you want to go back to Unity.

Has anyone had a similar issue on a reflective texture outside? It’s really noticeable when you look up and down either in the viewport or when you press play. The reflection line recedes when you look down at the ground. When you look side to side, there’s a funnel shaped cone of reflection that appears to be locked to the viewport. Has anyone have any experience with this. I read it might be related to the texture cubemap settings in the skybox or something in the skylight settings.

When I delete the Skybox, and just add lights to the scene, this issue goes away, so it has to be something with the Skybox BP, correct?

Have you found a solution to this?
I am trying to figure out the same problem now.

This is caused by Screen Space Reflections. You can disable them by using a Post Process Volume and setting the Intensity for Screen Space Reflections to 0.

Hi, Tried to set the screen space reflection intensity to 0 like you suggested, but I see no difference in that horrible cone effect I get on the surface when looking downward.

Thanks for the quick reply Tim. Okay, So I guess the question is, is there an alternative to screen space reflections I can use? Because my shallow water effect won’t really work in a game play setting since that cone is so visible.

You have to make sure that the player is within the post process volume or that you’ve set it to unbound. Otherwise, it will not work.

The effect you’re pointing to is exactly what Screen Space Reflections is. It can only reflect what is visible on the screen. When you look down, it’ll create this cone beause of the limited view.

Reflection captures and Planar Reflections. Planar Reflections are the best available right now, but they add an additional rendering cost to the project whether you use them or not.

Hey Tim. Thanks for the help, I tried using the planner reflection, it does unfortunately not work with the exponential height fog since I recon that is rendered in screen space, so that means I would have to use volumetric fog for it to work, and that will add even more rendering cost, so I recon what I am trying to achieve isn’t really achievable while still keeping it some what optimized.

I’m fairly certain atmospheric and exponential fog should be fixed in 4.13 for planar reflections. They are in a much more usable and complete form in 4.13. The version in 4.12 was a first pass really.