Is it somehow possible to add little Icons into (UMG) Text?

I was playing a game the other day and in the description texts there were icons for resources, items and characters that were pretty cool and handy in my opinion. I am wondering if something like that can be inserted into text using UMG widgets?

Example text: “You need 500[gold icon] to produce [knight icon]”

You can create something like canvas panel and inside that you would have text that contains spaces where the icons would be and you would add images, scale them down and set them to the icons :slight_smile:
And yeah, I agree, it would be useful to be able to add them straight to the text instead.

Yes you can, with the Rich Text Block

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I am old to this topic, but for new comers, I do not see a reply where someone mentions creating A: Your Own Font, or B: Customize an existing font by changing the Glyphs in the font so tat you can use the glyphs without needing to use Rich Text, and can use a regular Text Widget?