Connection workfow

What happens after I called PlayerController :: ClientTravel?
What is usually done after a call to this method? I need to show the screen “Connect to Server” and wait for work when a particular event?

Still here. What will happen after the client connects to the server and usually needs to be done?
The client will automatically load level and switch to the new GameMode and start the game by calling a method BeginPlay or somehow everything will happen differently?

I do in C ++, but the options on the blueprint also considered.

Page 79

I recommand you reading the whole PDF its pure knowledge. eXi done a amazing Job. Should Answer all the Questions you got. If you are unsure when does something get called a simple Printstring will give you the Answer =)

Have Fun and Credits to eXi for that Answer.

Nachtmahr, need some c++ example of network game where I can see how to do.
I read this pdf, but it not contain any source code (as all documetation for Unreal). :frowning:

Well what can I say those are the Core Pieces you have to know about and a full example really depends on the Game you are making. The Server is always the first one present and Holds the Game Mode. If a Client Travels to that Server PostLogin get called in the Game Mode passing the Contoller that joined. What you do at this point that is totaly up to you. Assign him to a Team, Display a Join Message or start a Firework up to you. Same goes for where you call ClientTravel it can be called from a Input Button, Widget, Trigger or the Servers Game Mode you can even Load a Level inbetween just for the Loading proccess.

The is no full source Code there but you See C++ Snippets covering the basic pieces. Test things out.

I want make very simple game - movу cube on plane over network/ I need typical code where I can see how to connect to server. How hot Client can handle connection success or fail and how to control pawn on scene in multiplayer game. I need very very very simple code without 1GB content and other stuff.