Is it possible to play force feedback effects in realtime?

My game utilises global timescale a lot for slow motion, however it feels a bit strange when force feedback effects are played during slow motion because the duration is extended.
I was wondering if it were possible to play them using realtime and ignore the slow motion.

Optimally I would like to subclass force feedback effect and override the logic, but I’ve looked into the source code and it seems the functions are non-virtual all the way down from Tick so I can’t override them…

The call stack to the last virtual function looks something like this:

TickActor is virtual… so as far as I can see I would have to literally copy and paste the above functions on APlayerController into my subclass without overriding them, then have ProcessForceFeedbackAndHaptics take into account timescale before sending deltatime to the force feedback effect for updating.

Are there any better ways of doing this?
