Actor Tick not firing when I set component variables via RPC

I am making a multiplayer game using a dedicated server setup. My character’s tick function ceases to be called when I set certain component variables via RPCs to remote clients. This doesn’t happen on the first client to connect with the server, only the second. For example I send my motion controller relative transforms to the server from the owning client via RPC, which is fine, but if I then multicast the transforms and set them on remote clients then my character refuses to tick on the second client to join.

Interestingly the components I’m setting variables on aren’t even in the same Actor, they’re part of my camera rig actor. I’m very confused as to why this would happen and would appreciate any help.

If it helps I am setting a reference in my camera actor to the local Player Controller of the character, so on the owning client it is the local controller, on the server it is the controller for that character and on remote clients it is ‘none’.

It seems also that neither of my characters tick in this case on the second client, neither the local or the remote one.