Is there a way to offset a texture

Is there a way to offset a texture (in the V or the U coordinate),

r8ivy, thank you for your help.
but I didn’t meant how to divide the UV, but how to do offset,
a picture is attached, that how i managed. i still don’t know if that the right way
(the green square - divide the UV. the orange square - is the offset ).!

in the materiel editor you can make a constant 2 vector and add that to your uv’s (texture Coordinate node) R will be U and G will be V. hope that helps :slight_smile:

p.s a cool trick is to hold the 2 key and click in empty space to make a constant 2 vector node.

the picture you posted would be scaleing the UV’s. iv attached a picture of what i was talking about:

this is how to scale but if you want to offset 0-1 uv’s you’d change the multiply into an Add or in other words move them up, right, left or down.

if this is not working for you check that the texture your using doesn’t have the wrap mode set to clamp. it should be Wrap like in the picture below

thank you, but i am looking for something like the attached picture (from maya).


thats literally what adding to the uv’s does. iv added a picture of the two ways most people would add an offset:

the top one appends to parameters to make a dynamic uv offset and the bottom just adds a 2 vector number to the existing uvs to offset them.

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i see what you mean. thank’s a lot.

Thanks =)

Best explanation of the solution I’ve come across - thank you!

almost year 2024.
Epic still don’t add any offset parametr to any texture node.

There is no point to a dedicated offset parameter when this can be achieved with an add node, with a generic scalar or vector parameter attached to it.

there no point to build homes, you can build it by youself.
there no point to use public transport, you can walk everywhere,
there no point to make keyboard shortcuts, you can live forever, and you don’t need to make something faster

It is literally one add node. Comparing it to building a house is absurd. There are processes worth improving.
Want to save time? Set up a master material and then you only need to do this stuff once.