4.11 - Where are the shaders they promised us?

I noticed that in the blog post about Unreal 4.11, Epic promised really nice shaders for hair, eyes, skin, and cloth. I downloaded their demo and I’ve searched through a ton of forum posts, but I can’t seem to find anything that comes close to what Epic Games promised.

Hair: I watched the Paragon video which talks about how much thought they put into their hair shader, but the demo on the Content Examples seems very subpar. Could it be that they haven’t updated it to demo this new feature? Where can I find this amazing hair shader that they promised?

Eyes: I found their sample eyeball and it looks fine, but is there any more flexibility with eyeballs or are we expected to copy the exact mesh + texture?

Skin: Couldn’t find anything. All documentation stops after 4.9.

Cloth: They promised this really nice fuzzy texture but I haven’t been able to find anything about it. Any pointers?

I want to know if this is all they’ve given us. Cause the screenshots in the blog look so much nicer than what I seem to be able to find.

Im not really sure what you expect? Shaders are there what you do with them is up to the Artist or did you expect a Drag and drop Node that solves everything regardless of where you apply it to? You are the one who passes whatever you want to the shader. The shader just processes what you give him.

And yes Docs need a Update it comes when its ready nothing we can do about it but it does not stop you from experementing around on your own =)

ask your artistic team, they got them

Thanks, Nachtmahr. I was mainly wondering why the hair in the demo looks so artificial, given that they promised us this beautiful hair shader. I know that what you do with them is up to the artist, but I figured that their demo would show ~some really cool things you could make~. Either way, thanks for the reply!