Disable "Light needs to be rebuilt" message after package

I have built and packaged an arch viz project and need to send the .exe to a client but upon running I am getting a message in red, top right of the screen warning me the lights need rebuilding. I know how to disable this message using the console commands but is there a way to disable this upon initialization? I assume it will be in one of the .ini files?

Any help is much appreciated.

Hey paulhummo-

Anytime you add, remove, or move a light in your level it will need to be rebuilt for the lighting to be updated properly. If you press the Build button in the editor it should clear the message from the screen. You can then repackage the updated version. If you have other questions about lighting, you can check out this guide:



Thank you for your response… Is there a way to remove the error message without rebuilding the lighting? I already have the .exe packaged and was hoping I could toggle error messages off using a line of code inside of an .ini file for example.

I know I can toggle it using console commands but that is no good for the client. The reason I don’t want to rebuild is because there have been a lot of changes in the scene since the last build and I would like the version I have already built to go to the client.


There are no commands / ini changes that can remove/disable the lighting message in an already packaged project.