Repeated rotation of an object

Hi there!

I have an issue where I try to make an object rotate repeatedly, always the same amount. I have a blueprint but the issue is that it always works once like it should but then when it is triggered it does absolutely nothing although I wish to have it that it repeats the same amount again, starting from where it ended with the previous rotation.

Much simpler add a Rotating Movement Component to your Blueprint. Adjust the settings to your liking and turn of “Auto Activate”

And in your Level BP simply Set Active or Toggle(on/off) the Rotation. You can also Modify the settings from withing the Blueprint if you like thats up to you.

There is no need for a Timeline if you always turn it by the same amount.

should you do something like

Note: the GetWorldRotation is a typo, it could be either GetRelativeRotation or GetWorldRotation. will work both ways.

Hey -

Your use of a timeline is on the right track, however you will want to save the rotation of the object once the timeline finishes running. Then you can take the saved rotation, break it, and add the amount that you wish to rotate by to the axis you wish to rotate then feed that into a Lerp node who’s alpha is powered by the timeline’s float track. You can then use the result of the Lerp to plug into the Make Rotator node you already have.


Thanks guys!

Hi Theo T, Did you achieve the goal? Can you share your BP? thank you!

Hi! 's response worked!

I follow the exact same BP like but I can’t get it to work… If there is anything I missed… Is there any details that I should be aware of? Thank you Theo T!

Screenshot of mine: