Everytime I start a c++ project Basic Code I receive an error

I’ve been using Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and every time I start a c++ project Basic Code and try to build it I get the same error.

1>------ Build started: Project: UracerCode, Configuration: DebugGame_Editor x64 ------
1>  rc.exe UracerCode.rc
1>  Wyjątek nieobsłużony: UnrealBuildTool.BuildException: ERROR: Failed to start local process for action: C:\Pliki program?w\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe  /nologo /Oi /Zp8 /Gy /fp:fast /c /Zm800 /bigobj /wd4819 /wd4651 /wd4005 /D _WINDLL /Od /Os /Ob2 /RTCs /errorReport:prompt /EHsc /Z7 /MD /I "F:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.1\Engine\Source" /I "F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Source" /I "../../../../../Dane/Moje Dokumenty/Unreal Projects/UracerCode/Source/" /I "../../../../../Dane/Moje Dokumenty/Unreal Projects/UracerCode/Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/UracerCode/" /I "Runtime/Core/Public" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Internationalization" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Async" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Concurrency" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Containers" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/HAL" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Math" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Misc" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Modules" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Modules/Boilerplate" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Serialization" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Serialization/Json" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Stats" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Templates" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/UObject" /I "Runtime/Core/Public/Windows" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/CoreUObject/" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Blueprint" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Misc" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Serialization" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/Templates" /I "Runtime/CoreUObject/Public/UObject" /I "Runtime/Engine/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Engine/" /I "Runtime/Engine/Public/" /I "Runtime/Engine/Public/AI" /I "Runtime/Engine/Public/Landscape" /I "Runtime/Engine/Public/Net" /I "Runtime/Engine/Public/Slate" /I "Runtime/Slate/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Slate/" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/Docking" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/DockingFramework" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/MultiBox" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/TableView" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/Testing" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/Text" /I "Runtime/Slate/Public/TutorialSystem" /I "Runtime/InputCore/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/InputCore/" /I "Runtime/InputCore/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Messaging/" /I "Runtime/Messaging/Public/" /I "Runtime/Messaging/Public/Common" /I "Runtime/Messaging/Public/Interfaces" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Networking/" /I "Runtime/Networking/Public/" /I "Runtime/Networking/Public/Common" /I "Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces" /I "Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces/IPv4" /I "Runtime/Networking/Public/Interfaces/Steam" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Sockets/" /I "Runtime/Sockets/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/RenderCore/" /I "Runtime/RenderCore/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/RHI/" /I "Runtime/RHI/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/ShaderCore/" /I "Runtime/ShaderCore/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/AssetRegistry/" /I "Runtime/AssetRegistry/Public/" /I "Runtime/EngineMessages/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/EngineMessages/" /I "Runtime/EngineMessages/Public/" /I "Runtime/EngineSettings/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/EngineSettings/" /I "Runtime/EngineSettings/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/SynthBenchmark/" /I "Developer/SynthBenchmark/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Renderer/" /I "Runtime/Renderer/Public/" /I "Programs/UnrealLightmass/Public" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/UnrealEd/" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Commandlets" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Dialogs" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/DragAndDrop" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Features" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Kismet2" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Layers" /I "Editor/UnrealEd/Public/Toolkits" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/BspMode/" /I "Editor/BspMode/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Documentation/" /I "Editor/Documentation/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/Projects/" /I "Runtime/Projects/Public/" /I "Runtime/Projects/Public/Interfaces" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/SandboxFile/" /I "Runtime/SandboxFile/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/EditorStyle/" /I "Editor/EditorStyle/Public/" /I "Editor/EditorStyle/Public/Classes" /I "Editor/EditorStyle/Public/Interfaces" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/SourceControl/" /I "Developer/SourceControl/Public/" /I "Editor/UnrealEdMessages/Classes/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/UnrealEdMessages/" /I "Editor/UnrealEdMessages/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/XAudio2/" /I "Runtime/Windows/XAudio2/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/UserFeedback/" /I "Editor/UserFeedback/Public/" /I "../Intermediate/Build/Win64/Inc/CollectionManager/" /I "Developer/CollectionManager/Public/" /D "UE_EDITOR=1" /D "IS_PROGRAM=0" /D "UE_ROCKET=1" /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "__UNREAL__" /D "IS_MONOLITHIC=0" /D "WITH_ENGINE=1" /D "WITH_UNREAL_DEVELOPER_TOOLS=1" /D "WITH_COREUOBJECT=1" /D "USE_STATS_WITHOUT_ENGINE=0" /D "WITH_PLUGIN_SUPPORT=0" /D "USE_LOGGING_IN_SHIPPING=0" /D "UE_BUILD_MINIMAL=0" /D "WITH_EDITOR=1" /D "WITH_SERVER_CODE=1" /D "UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM=Win64" /D "WIN32=1" /D "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600" /D "WINVER=0x0600" /D "PLATFORM_WINDOWS=1" /D "NDEBUG=1" /D "UE_BUILD_DEVELOPMENT=1" /D "ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME=\"UE4Editor-UracerCode-Win64-DebugGame.dll\"" /D "URACERCODE_API=DLLEXPORT" /D "UE_ENABLE_ICU=1" /D "WITH_STEAMWORKS=0" /D "WITH_DIRECTXMATH=0" /D "CORE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "COREUOBJECT_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "WITH_PHYSX=1" /D "WITH_APEX=1" /D "USE_NETWORK_PROFILER=1" /D "WITH_RECAST=1" /D "WITH_SPEEDTREE=0" /D "ENGINE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SLATE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "INPUTCORE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "MESSAGING_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "NETWORKING_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SOCKETS_PACKAGE=1" /D "SOCKETS_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "RENDERCORE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "RHI_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SHADERCORE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "ASSETREGISTRY_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "ENGINEMESSAGES_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "ENGINESETTINGS_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SYNTHBENCHMARK_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "RENDERER_API=" /D "WITH_PHYSX=1" /D "WITH_APEX=1" /D "WITH_SIMPLYGON=0" /D "WITH_RECAST=1" /D "WITH_SPEEDTREE=0" /D "UNREALED_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "BSPMODE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "DOCUMENTATION_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "PROJECTS_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SANDBOXFILE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "EDITORSTYLE_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "SOURCECONTROL_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "UNREALEDMESSAGES_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "XAUDIO2_API=DLLIMPORT" /D "USERFEEDBACK_API=" /D "COLLECTIONMANAGER_API=" /I "F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UracerCodeEditor\DebugGame\UracerCode" /Yc"F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Source\UracerCode\UracerCode.h" /Fp"F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UracerCodeEditor\DebugGame\UracerCode\UracerCode.h.pch" "F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UracerCodeEditor\DebugGame\UracerCode\PCH.UracerCode.UracerCode.h.cpp" /Fo"F:\Dane\Moje Dokumenty\Unreal Projects\UracerCode\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UracerCodeEditor\DebugGame\UracerCode\UracerCode.h.obj" /TP /GR- /WX /W4
1>  System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Cannot find specified file
1>     w System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
1>     w UnrealBuildTool.ActionThread.ThreadFunc() ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Nie można odnaleźć określonego pliku
1>     w System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
1>     w UnrealBuildTool.ActionThread.ThreadFunc()
1>     --- Koniec śladu stosu wyjątków wewnętrznych ---
1>     w UnrealBuildTool.ActionThread.ThreadFunc()
1>     w System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
1>     w System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
1>     w System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
1>     w System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Can you try to set the build configuration to “Debug Editor” instead of “DebugGame Editor” ?

When I’m trying to run with DebugGame Editor it gives me something like this: The game module ‘UracerCode’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.

I think, the problem is with the path to the Visual Studio, at the beginning of the error.: " ERROR: Failed to start local process for action: C:\Pliki program?w\Microsoft (…)" where it should be: “C:\Pliki programów\Microsoft (…)” How can I specify a correct path? Or mayby an escape path?

Unfortunately, on my operating system (windows 8.1, 64 bit PL) I can’t select difrent VS installation folder.

Hi Z-enzyme,

We have recently become aware of an issue in Visual Studio that can cause problems when trying to build projects where there is one or more special characters (such as ó) in the file path. This is internal to Visual Studio, and it may be what is happening here. Unfortunately I am not aware of any way to install Visual Studio to a different location if the installer does not give you the option to do so.

So that I can attempt to reproduce this problem here, are you adding any code at all to the template project, or are you immediately trying to build it after the Visual Studio solution has been created? Which version of UE4 are you using, and are you using a version accessed through the Launcher, or compiled through source code? Are you running into the same problem if you create a project using one of the other code templates?

Thank you for your reply.

As it comes to the questions.
I am using both 4.1.0 and 4.1.1, and in both I have to change the parameter in VC++ Directories → Include Directories to $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath); or it can’t find windows.h file.
It happens with all the templates. I tried all of them.
I am using the launcher verion, so I start the Launcher, create new project → Basic Code, VS starts up and this basic version I can’t build. So no, I am not adding any code at all.

Again, thank you very much.

Hi Z-enzyme,

I was going through some old issues and realized that I had not followed up with you on this. I sincerely apologize for the delay. Are you still experiencing this issue?

I managed to reproduce this issue by copying my Visual Studio installation to Pliki Programów. The problem was in how UnrealBuildTool scraped the Visual Studio environment, which did not correctly handle non-ANSI characters in environment variables. I’ve fixed the issue in our main branch (changelist 2169961), but I’m afraid it’s missed the cutoff for our upcoming 4.3 release. It should be resolved in 4.4.

Sorry to have left you hanging for so long on this. I’ll talk to our QA team and see if we can get test coverage on non-US versions of Windows in the future.