How Taxing is a Blueprint Structure?Use it or not?

Im just starting to tinker with procedural generation, I’ve got pretty basic knowledge on blueprint but am interested in generating simple mazes to start.

watched this video on generating rooms Blueprint Generating Procedural Rooms | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube and kinda jumped in with what he says he started with, which basically just makes a grid of floor pieces.

I was wondering if using a structure to store data for each grid piece would be a reasonable thing to do? Is it too taxing or messy? It would get called a lot during generation. Things i would store would be like whether it was visited(either by a maze generator algorithm, or maybe even the player), it’s position, whether its a wall or floor tile.

Just looking for some feedback before i dive into this tomorrow after work. Probably stuff a newb(only made 3 crappy games so far) shouldn’t be diving into but i think it would be really cool.

Using a structure for each grid piece is a very reasonable solution to storing and collecting together this information. Storing and retrieving information from structures should be very similar to just having all the different variables.