Linux: File -> Import -> Actor Crash

Steps to reproduce:

Open a project.
File → Import → Actor
Set file type to “Any”
Give it an invalid filename (or the name of a directory) in the text box
Click Open

It behaves if the file type is set to t3d.

I’m running on Debian 8 if that changes anything.


I was able to reproduce the crash on Import and have entered a bug report , UE-31573 , for investigation.



To help provide more information for the bug report, can you provide the logs and callstack from the crash?

I’ve included the results of UE4Editor > logfile in the crash folder from the UE4 binary text
Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m not even sure the “all files” option in that box does anything useful. Maybe nobody found it because nobody was using it.

Thank you for the additional information. This has been added to the report to help identify exactly where the problem is occurring.