Using AddChildActorComponent cannot set child to static

I am following the Unreal Engine tutorial for an endless runner and have started to deviate a little. However, I am having issues with spawning pickups. I have a base segment blueprint that is just walls and floor. Then I make a child bllueprint from this. On this blueprint I would like an area to spawn my coins in, like the tutorial. As I would like this functionality in all segments, I add a function to the base segment that takes in a box and number of coins to spawn, then spawns them randomly inside the box.

However, everytime this node hits I am receiving a warning and I cannot see the coin appear, the warning reads:

Warning AttachTo: ‘/Game/SideScrollerBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_RunLevel.RunLevel:PersistentLevel.Easyy1_C_38.ChildActorComponent_3198’ is not static (in blueprint “Easyy1”), cannot attach ‘/Game/SideScrollerBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_RunLevel.RunLevel:PersistentLevel.ScorePickup_C_342.DefaultSceneRoot’ which is static to it. Aborting.

I have researched a bit and only found 1 post that mentions something similar here:

However, the tutorial is done in Unreal Engine 4.7 and seems to run fine, so I feel that maybe I am doing something incorrectly? I have checked every component in the base segment, it’s child, and the pickup and everything is static. I’m not sure what the “ChildActorcomponent_3198” is, but it should be static.

Thanks for the help in advance!

Have you tried setting the mobility value on the details/properties panel that appears when you click on your Add Child Actor Component?

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