Player is unable to move forward by pressing W

Click on your W Event (wherever you want to let them pass trough). In the Details Panel check off Consume Input. That way you dont use up the Input and let other BP use that Event too until some of them Consumes it or nobody left who uses it.

Also make sure Input is Enabled on your BP (Enable Input Node) or set the Auto Recive Input to Player 0 in the Class Defaults.

Good Luck and have Fun =)

So I have a first person game which uses WASD to move. The problem is the W key does not make me move forward. This is because I have another blueprint where the W button does something else.

The thing is, when it’s time to use this blueprint the movement input will be disabled so W won’t be used for 2 things at the same time. So when my game starts up this W pressed event uses a Boolean which is set to false so it shouldn’t do anything but I expect my movement input to still work but for some reason W doesn’t work.

Is there a way to override the movement input and say that as long as the movement input is not disabled, W always works as the move forward button?