How to implement a custom VirtualJoystick within a Slate Widget?

I’m trying to create a virtual joystick (SVirtualJoystick) in my Slate widget so I can use the joystick and my slate widgets at the same time.

Here’s the code I’m using at the moment:

+ SOverlay::Slot()
					SAssignNew(mobileJoystick, SVirtualJoystick)

		FStringAssetReference TestInterfaceName = FStringAssetReference("/Game/Test2Touch.Test2Touch");

	if (TestInterfaceName.IsValid())
		UTouchInterface* TestInterface = LoadObject<UTouchInterface>(NULL, *TestInterfaceName.ToString());
		// activate this interface if we have it
		UTouchInterface* DefaultTouchInterface = LoadObject<UTouchInterface>(NULL, *DefaultTouchInterfaceName.ToString());
		if (TestInterface != NULL)

When I debug all the checks are ok and it fires the Activate function, but nothing shows up on screen.

I’ve set the Input-Mobile settings to always show the touch interface but not to have a default, so it doesn’t overlay my own interface.

Anyone know how to do this?

I ran into the same problem, although my code was a lot different - I could collect input, but nothing was rendered. In the end, I had to set SVirtualJoystick::SetVisibility(true, true) to get my joystick to show up. Might not apply to your case, but I haven’t seen any other discussions of SVirtualJoystick.