Buzzing sound when in editor

I just upgraded from 4.11 to 4.12, and when in the engine a buzzing sound is emitted from my speakers. This didn’t happen in the previous build. Pretty sure my audio is shielded fairly well, and my psu shouldn’t be causing issues. Is there anyway to correct this?

I want to shed some additional light on this issue. I too was having lots of static feedback when running UE4. However, I was able to COMPLETELY remove the buzzing by changing the following in my hardware setup.

Original hardware setup:

Headset microphone plugged into front panel on PC Case

Headset audio output plugged into Komplete Audio 6 (USB Audio Box) Phones Output

New hardware setup:

Headset microphone and audio output plugged into front panel of PC Case.

Summary: It appears that if you’re routing your microphone and audio through two separate interfaces (front panel, USB AI/O, etc) it will likely pickup the sonic resonance of the GPU. However, when both input and output devices are plugged into the same interface, the audio disappears.

It would be nice to confirm it this works for any other uses.

Thanks for the idea. I took my headset from the front panel and put it directly onto the mainboard connector at the back of my PC and now the humming is gone

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If you don’t have an additional audio interface, you could use the jack output from your monitors - that would stop the buzz completely.

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his also helped me! Thank you!