Why are Sequence Nodes inconsistant?

I have been “enjoying” very odd behavior when using sequence nodes. When chained together they sometimes execute once, sometimes it crashes on compile, sometimes it executes twice, and sometimes it executes more than twice. This behavior seems to vary based on the current state of the blueprint. I can make changes elsewhere (in the same class) and it will cause the behavior to alter. I revert the change, and it goes back to how it was. When using only a single sequence node it seems to work as intended, it also seems to work as intended when there are other functions between nodes.

I have discovered this odd behavior while setting up an inventory system.
For now my solution is to treat sequence nodes with distrust. I am finding many quirks in Blueprint.

If there are irregularities with sequence nodes it might explain a few of the problems I have seen with certain loops running more times than they should.