How can I load my binary file in?

If I have a TArray how can I write the data out to binary file? Below is what I have so far.

projectDir = FPaths::GameDir();
	projectDir += "Content/Data/Icosahedron_Data.obj";

	FBufferArchive toBinary;
	for (int i = 0; i < outVerts.Num(); i++)
		toBinary << outVerts[i];
	FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(toBinary, *projectDir);

Now I overloaded the << operator so that the type inside outVerts (which holds three uint32) converts the data over - or so I think.

This is how I load in the data which is producing the wrong results

TArray<uint8> inBinaryArray;
	FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(inBinaryArray, *projectDir);
	FMemoryReader FromBinary = FMemoryReader(inBinaryArray, true); //true, free data after done

	for (int i = 0; i < outVerts.Num(); i++)
		FromBinary << outVerts[i];


Nevermind, I was writing over top of the binary file when I was writing out my FString test for verification.