Detour Crowd Slowdown

Hi, Unreal newbie here :smiley:

I’m having trouble using Detour Crowd AI Controller.

Basically, I have a group of enemies with this controller. Whenever they see my player character, each of them starts engaging him (moving to him) by running. During this process they do avoid each other, but they walk instead of running.

I’ve searched through documentation, tutorials and other questions such as:

however, I didn’t succeed in fixing this problem and haven’t seen any results, not even by:

  • tweaking CrowdFollowingComponent attribute values
  • changing Project Settings → Crowd Manager settings

I seriously hope that there’s a simple solution for this, something like “Change this property so they don’t walk”, but I haven’t found it and I’m desperate :smiley:

If not, I’ll probably try experimenting more with capsules and behaviour tree.

Thank you, in advance :slight_smile:

hey, have you found a solution? I have the same thing.

Nope, we changed a lot in the project since then, and I honestly don’t remember what specific settings we changed. :smiley: