Where are the Player Health values located?

I think that you have to go into the player blueprint and create a variable for Health

So, I can’t find player health values. I have searched but found nothing in the blueprints.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m completely new with Unreal Engine :x

I have found tutorials for floating HP bars and HP bars on the huds. But I can’t find the actual health blueprint. looking for it so I can reverse engineer it really.


Check out the Content Examples and the Blueprint_HUD map, there is an example of how a Health/Pick-up system can be implemented through Blueprints in there.


Create a Variable Float “Health” and set a value to it…example : 100…

If you want to apply damage to reduce or you want to restore health…you can use the Apply Damage and assign the character you want (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT or you don’t be sucess).

Inside your character blueprint you need to set a node called " Event receive Any Damage"…it will se if the character take damage in any blueprint you set him to be damaged. Take the value of the damage and subtract from Player Health.

To Restore health only use a negative number on “Float - Float”

and don’t forget to use a Clamp to set the minimum and maximum health the player can have before set the value!

Have a nice day :smiley: